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How do I list my business* on buyCTgrown.com?
Registering or Claiming your listing.
Go to buyctgrown.com, search for your establishment and; Do you love cricket? Do you want to make some money betting on your favorite sport? If so, then you need to read this blog post! In it, we will teach you everything you need to know about cricket betting odds . We will start by explaining what decimal odds are, and how they work.
- if your business name does not appear, click on the register link located on the top header on the right hand side of the screen and register your business. Once you submit your information, it will be submitted for our approval. It can take anywhere up to 24 hours for approval or if submitted on the weekend it could take longer. Once it is approved, you should receive a confirmation email. Your listing is now live on the site and you can log in at any time to make changes or to post an event! machines à sous en ligne
- if your business name does appear, click on your establishment name to view your profile. Once you are on your profile page, click on the green claim your profile button located under the square pledge to go local graphic on the right hand side of the screen and follow the prompts. Once you submit your information, it will be submitted for our approval. It can take anywhere up to 24 hours for approval or if submitted on the weekend it could take longer. Once it is approved, you should receive an automated email confirming its approval with a temporary password. If you signed up for the CT 10% pledge your password remains the same. You sign into your account by clicking on the sign in link located on the upper right hand side of the homepage. Once you are signed in, click on the my account button. Here you can update your business decription, hours of operation, post photos and events. Make sure to go through the product list and the new features list (e.g. CSA, event space, farm tours, weddings, etc.) as you are updating!
Need help along the way? Call or email Ashley at 203-773-3736 x302 or Ashley[at]buyCTgrown.com
*Please note that to be eligible for a listing on buyCTgrown.com a business must promote, sell or use products that were grown or raised/landed in Connecticut. A more detailed criteria for eligibility will be posted here at a later date.
How do I post an event on buyCTgrown.com?
There are two ways to have events posted to buyCTgrown:
1) If you have a business listing on buyCTgrown, sign into your account, click on my account, and click on the submit an event button. Fill out the appropriate fields and submit your event. The event will be posted to the buyCTgrown website automatically.
2) If you do not have a business listing on buyCTgrown, you can suggest an event for submission! Just click on the green suggest an event button located on the right hand side of the events page.

How do I search on buyCTgrown.com? slot machine
Basic Search
It is now easier than ever to search for a product or establishment on buyCTgrown. To search type in the product (tomato, ground cherries, apples, etc.) or establishment name or type (farm, CSA, restaurant, etc.) you are looking for in the search box located on the top right hand side of the screen. If you are searching for a product click on the product radio button, for an establishment click on the establishment radio box. Enter in your town or the zip code of the area you would like to search. Then click on the “search” button.
For each of the profiles listed on the search results page you can:
1. get a snapshot of the location and address within the map provided by clicking on Quick Info,
2. view an establishments entire profile by clicking on View Profile or
3. send the address of the establishment to your cell phone by clicking on Send to Phone.
If you want to view all of the listings on buyCTgrown, simply click on the search button without entering any search criteria.
Refine your search/advanced search
If the search results do not provide you with what you were looking for, you can always refine your search. A refine your search box appears on the search results page. If you are looking for a product, make sure you press on the Find A Product tab. If you are looking for an establishment type or information on an establishment, click on the Find a Place tab as the options provided on each tab vary.
Find a Product Tab tragamonedas
The products tab allows you to refine your results based on establishment type, growing methods or standards and also gives you the option to only display PYO operations. If for example you wanted to only see PYO certified organic farms, you would select the establishment type of farm, then the certification of certified organic and then click on display PYO only. Also, if you are interested in viewing a full list of the product types listed on our website, click on the search by product category link.

Find a Place Tab
The place tab allows you to refine your results based on establishment type, features and affiliations. Our features tab is an exciting new feature on our website and includes features such as farm stays, farm tours, tasting room, CSAs, event space, weddings and more! It is a great way to explore the various facets of the businesses listed on our website.

Our CT 10% Campaign asks people to spend 10% of their existing food and gardening dollars on locally grown goods. Signing up for the pledge is easy. Just click on the pledge banner on our homepage or on any of the 10% announcements site wide. Once you fill out the initial information, and sign the pledge, you will receive an automated activation email. If for some reason you do not receive this email, please contact nancy(at)buyCTgrown.com. After you receive this email, click on the link, sign into your account and you are ready to go! Each Sunday after you activate, you will be sent an email reminding you to input your local purchases. As a community, we will track our purchases statewide and grow the buy local movement!
If you are a pledge of purchase business, please contact Amanda(at)buyCTgrown.com for reporting options and ways to partner with us to help spread the word!
I don’t see my question here. What should I do?
Contact ashley(at)buyCTgrown.com. We’re happy to help you navigate the site and resolve any issues as they come up!