Chilled Cucumber Bisque

Wednesday, July 16, 2025

The White Peach Restaurant
Chef/Owner Jiri Krejcir
1 South Kent Road
Gaylordsville, CT
(860) 210-8104

Chilled Cucumber Bisque Recipe


5 Pounds Cucumbers
2 Pounds Potatoes
1 Small Yellow Onion
2 Quarts Vegetable Stock
1 Pint Cream
1 Cup Yogurt
Salt to Taste
½ Tsp Pepper
¼ Tsp Nutmeg



1.  Peel the potatoes and onion, boil in vegetable stock until soft. Chill to room temperature and puree in blender. Chill.
2.  Wash and  split the cucumbers and seed them using a teaspoon.
3.  Coarsely grate the cucumbers.  Sprinkle grated cucumber with 2-3 tablespoons kosher salt.
4.  When potato puree is cold, mix in the cucumbers, cream, yogurt and season with the salt,  pepper and nutmeg.
5.  Optional:  sprinkle fresh herbs on top (chives, dill, mint, etc.)


Jiri Krejcir

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