Roasted Beets with Sauteed Greens, Crispy Pork and Fresh Chevre

Wednesday, July 23, 2025

"Dinners at the Farm" featuring River Tavern & Feast Market:

River Tavern
Chef/Owner Jonathan Rapp
23 Main Street
Chester, CT
(860) 526-9417

Feast Gourmet Market
Andrew McLachlan
159 Main Street
Deep River, CT
(860) 526-4056


Roasted Beets with Sauteed Greens, Crispy Pork and Fresh Chevre Recipe


4 Bunches Baby Bunch Beets (Mixed Variety of Red, Yellow or Chioggia)
4 Bunches Beet Greens
3 Stems of Thyme
2 Cloves Garlic, Smashed
½ Pound Cured Pork (Guanciale, Lardo or Pancetta), Cut into ½ Inch Pieces
1 Medium Shallot, Thinly Sliced
1 Tbsp Butter
½ Pound Fresh Chevre
1 Lemon
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt/Black Pepper to Taste
Italian Parsley, Chopped



1.  Pre-heat oven to 325° F.
2.  Trim roots and greens from beets.  Wash and dry greens; chop any large stems.  Scrub beets.
3.  Put beets, thyme and garlic in a roasting pan.  Oil lightly, making sure to get it over all the beets.  Season well with salt and pepper, cover.  Place in oven.  Roast for 30–45 minutes or until beets pierce easily.  Put aside, covered to cool slightly. Peel beets.
4.  Meanwhile, render the pork with a little oil over medium-high heat until it is crispy on the outside yet still soft and moist inside.  Remove from pan.
5.  Pour off most of the oil and sauté the shallots until soft.  Add the beet greens and cook until wilted and the stems have softened a bit.  Off the heat, add the butter, salt, pepper, a little lemon juice and lemon zest.
6.  Plate the greens.  Scatter the beets over them. Top with crumbled chevre, the rendered pork, salt, pepper, parsley and a little extra virgin olive oil.


<p>Jonathan Rapp and Andrew McLachlan</p>

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