Vegetable Ribbon Salad with Sesame Crusted Scallops

Wednesday, August 13, 2025

La Belle Aurore
Wally and Dawn Bruckner
75 Pennsylvania Avenue
Niantic, CT
(860) 739-6767

Vegetable Ribbon Salad with Sesame Crusted Scallops Recipe

4 Large Carrots (Red and Orange, if Available)
1 Large Zucchini
2 Medium Summer or Zephyr Squash

For Dressing
1 Inch Fresh Ginger, Minced
1 Clove Garlic, Minced
⅓ Cup Fresh Cilantro, Coarsely Chopped
⅓ Cup Fresh Basil, Chopped
1½ Cups Scallion Greens or Fresh Chives, Finely Chopped
Juice of 5 Limes or 2½ Lemons (About ⅔ Cup)
¼ Cup Sesame Oil
2 Tbsp Sugar
1¼ Tsp Dried Red Pepper Flakes

For Scallops
1 Pound Sea Scallops
Black Sesame Seeds

1.  Mix all the ingredients for dressing and set aside.
2.  Rinse the vegetables clean. With a vegetable peeler, clean off the first layer of carrot and discard. Continue to peel long clean ribbons off the carrot. Hold the peeler at a right angle to the vegetable like a plane, for nice wide ribbons. Continue until there is nothing but the carrots thin inner core, discard. Do the same with the zucchini and summer or zephyr squash.
3.  Toss all the vegetable ribbons in the dressing to fully coat.
4.  Sprinkle sesame seeds on a plate and press one end of each scallop onto seeds so they stick.
5.  Heat a skillet or pan to very hot (oil is not necessary).  Sear each of the scallops on the non seeded end first,  cooking 2-3 minutes (depending on thickness). You will see color change from translucent to opaque about midway up scallop. Turn with tongs onto seeded side and sear 1-2 minutes more.
6.  Divide vegetable ribbons between four plates. Divide scallops onto each bed of vegetables.


Wally and Dawn Bruckner

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