farming and agriculture | food policy | community organizations | local food, restaurants, and Institutions
Farming and Agriculture
In the nutmeg state, there are an array of organizations that support and advocate for Connecticut farms and agriculture. Some organizations seek to increase the profitability of agricultural businesses by finding solutions for agriculture production; whereas, other organizations are strictly concerned with farmland preservation and resources conservation. However, each specialized agency advocates for economic viability through agriculture. Explore and discover more below:
American Farmland Trust Show - Hide
American Farmland Trust is committed to protecting the nation's farm and ranch land, keeping it healthy and improving the economic viability of agriculture. AFT�s staff of farmers, policy experts, researchers and scientists work with federal, state and local leaders and communities to develop legislation, implement policies and execute programs that keep farmers on their land and protect our environment.
CT Agricultural Business Cluster Show - Hide
In March 2025 Connecticut's Agricultural Business cluster (CAB) was launched. The cluster is seeking to raise the level of competitiveness and increase profitability of individual agricultural businesses while maintaining responsible stewardship of the state�s natural resources.
CT Department of Agriculture Show - Hide
The mission of the Department of Agriculture is to foster a healthy economic, environmental and social climate for agriculture by developing, promoting and regulating agricultural businesses; protecting agricultural and aquacultural resources; enforcing laws pertaining to domestic animals; and promoting an understanding among the state's citizens of the diversity of Connecticut agriculture, its cultural heritage and its contribution to the state's economy.
Connecticut Farm Bureau Association Show - Hide
Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, voluntary organization of farm families united to find solutions for concerns facing production agriculture in our counties, state and nation. Connecticut Farm Bureau provides farmers with a strong clear voice in state and national issues. Volunteer leaders and staff work closely with state and federal regulatory agencies and elected officials on issues ranging from economic viability, property rights, taxation, land use planning to labor laws and farmland preservation.
CT NOFA (Connecticut Northest Organic Farming Association) Show - Hide
CT NOFA is a growing community of farmers, gardeners, land care professionals, and consumers that encourages a healthy relationship to the natural world. CT NOFA promotes methods of farming, gardening, and land care that respect biodiversity, soil, water, air, and the needs of future generations through education, support, and advocacy. CT NOFA also encourages the growth of a sustainable, regional food system, educates consumers about their power to effect positive changes through their food and land care choices and increases the local and organic food supply and maintains productive agricultural land by creating opportunities for new and veteran farmers.
USDA Farm Service Agency Show - Hide
The FSA is a customer-driven agency dediated to achieving an economically and environmentally sound future for American Agriculture. FSA equitably serves all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Show - Hide
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. For nearly 70 years, NRCS has worked cooperatively with landowners, conservation districts, federal, state, and local governments, and citizens from urban and rural communities to restore and enhance the landscape. NRCS soil conservationists, soil scientists, agronomists, ecologists, engineers, planners, and other specialists promote land stewardship by providing technical assistance through teams to address surface and groundwater quality; wetlands, riparian areas, and biodiversity; aquatic and terrestrial habitat; and impacts of land use changes.
Working Lands Alliance Show - Hide
The Working Lands Alliance is dedicated to preserving Connecticut's farmland. WLA's staff consists of 600 individuals and 200 businesses, which include farmers, conservationists, anti-hunger planners, and local food advocates. Together, they hope to stop the loss of Connecticut's most precious resource- it's farmland.
Food Policy
Food Policy Councils (FPCs) are comprised of stakeholders from various segments of a local food system. Together, stakeholders analyze how a food system is operating and provide recommendations on how to improve it. FPCs come in many shapes and sizes but are usually either commissioned by the state or local government or a grassroots organization. Connecticut's Food Policy Councils have been very successful at shaping public policy, educating officials and the public about the state's sustainability issues, and explaining the benefits of a local food system. Below you will find a list of Connecticut Food Policy Councils and a tailored description for each organization.
Connecticut Food Policy Council Show - Hide
The Connecticut Food Policy Council works to develop and implement a food system policy linking economic development, environmental protection and preservation with farming and urban issues. The Council reviews and comments on any proposed state legislation and regulations that impact on food policy and food security and makes recommendations to the Governor.
New Haven Food Policy Council Show - Hide
The mission of the New Haven Food Policy Council is to advocate for policy that ensures good food for everyone because better food builds a better city. The NHFPC is a diverse array of stakeholders collaborating to improve policy addressing our city�s food system as it relates to the environmental, economic, social and nutritional health of the City of New Haven.
City of Hartford Food Advisory Commission on Food Policy Show - Hide
Established in 1991, the Hartford Food Policy Commission works to create an equitable and sustainable food system, while addressing the underlying causes of hunger and poor nutrition in lower-income communities.
Connecticut is comprised of many community organizations that are dedicated to and focused on food and agriculture issues. Although each organization tailors itself to different aspects of the local food movement, all of them celebrate the importance of local food and the benefits a local food system has on its community and economy. Whether they address a holistic response to hunger; engage their community in an equitable, local food system; or to defend biodiversity in Connecticut's food supply, each specific organization strives to provide well-being through food.
CitySeed works to engage the community in growing an equitable, local food system that promotes economic development, community development and sustainable agriculture. CitySeed strives to create a sustainable model of local economy, urban community, regional agriculture, environmental stewardship, and well-being through food.
Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association Show - Hide
CNLA is the state trade association that represents Connecticut's nurseries, garden centers, landscapers, nursery and perennial growers and landscape designers.
CT Farm Fresh Show - Hide
CT Farm Fresh Express delivers locally grown, mostly organic, fresh vegetables, fruit, dairy products, meat, baked goods, CT maple syrup, and more directly from local farms and producers to CT residents and businesses.
Edible Nutmeg Show - Hide
Edible Nutmeg is a quarterly magazine which celebrates the local foods of Connecticut for every season.
The Farmer's Cow Show - Hide
The Farmer's Cow is a group of six Connecticut, family-owned dairy farms which work to protect open space and agricultural heritage for future generations and sell dairy products and eggs as a cooperative.
F.R.E.S.H. New London Show - Hide
F.R.E.S.H. New London is a holistic response to hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity. F.R.E.S.H. promotes and builds local resources to meet local needs through food and agriculture projects, in the fields of: experiential education for ecological literacy and health; training for community and individual self-reliance; promotion of improved community management of natural resources; economic opportunities through local agriculture (including youth entrepreneurship); innovative distribution and marketing of locally grown food; and cultivation of the next generation of youth leaders.
The Last Green Valley Show - Hide
The Last Green Valley, formerly known as Quinebaug-Shetucket Heritage Corridor, Inc, works to preserve limited natural and cultural resources of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley or northeastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts region. Such resources include, 80 ponds and lakes; 130 miles of trails; 5 state parks; many species of animals, including moose and black bears, which have not been present for generations; 500 agricultural businesses, 43 historic commons and town greens; and 118 museums. The Last Green Valley promotes partnerships at the local, state, and national level.
Holcomb Farm CSA Show - Hide
Holcomb Farm CSA is a living community farm dedicated to responsible agriculture, healthy communities, and real food. Members join the farm and their membership fees help to cover the cost of running the farm. IN return, members receive weekly shares of the freshest produce grown organically and locally.
New Morning Natural & Organic Show - Hide
New Morning Store is home to the largest organic produce selection in the Woodbury area with an extensive supplement and homeopathic department that people travel to from miles around. New Morning has a growing list of classes and lectures open to the public throughout the year, consistent with its mission to educate people on achieving a sustainable lifestyle that is naturally better for them. New Morning actively works to build relationships with local environmental groups to help further their valuable work and increase awareness in the community.
Quinebaug and Shetucket River Valley National Heritage Corridor Show - Hide
The Quinebaug and Chetucket River Valley National heritage Corridor and The Last Green Valley, In. work to preserve the significant natural and cultural resources of the region while encouraging compatible economic development.
Slow Food Connecticut Show - Hide
Slow Food works to defend biodiversity in our food supply, spread taste education and connect producers of excellent foods with co-producers through events and initiatives.
SimonPure Productions Show - Hide
SimonPure Productions specializes in creating entertaining, humanities-based documentaries that tell compelling stories relevant to today, as seen within the context of history. Current events, provocative histories, complex issues and colorful personalities all comprise the focus of their programs.
Wholesome Wave Foundation Show - Hide
The mission of Wholesome Wave is to nourish neighborhoods by supporting increased production and access to healthy, fresh, and affordable locally grown food for the well-being of all. Wholesome Wave achieves success through partnership-based programs that serve food deserts of historically excluded urban and rural communities.
Local Food, Restaurants, and Institutions
More and more people, restaurants, and institutions are growing excited about the local food movement. In an attempt to support Connecticut's farms and the health of its people, restaurants and institutions are purchasing and cooking with locally-grown produce. Check out the wide range of programs our state has to offer:
New Haven Public Schools' Farm-to-School Program Show - Hide
The Mission of the New Haven Public Schools' Food Service Department is to ensure that delicious, healthy meals are available to all New Haven students. We strive to serve good quality meals utilizing ingredients from many local producers that promotes the health and wellness of students so they can be more productive in the classroom. We are an active participant in the Connecticut Farm to School & Farm to Chef Programs.
CT Department of Agriculture Farm to School Program Show - Hide
The Farm to School program is a state-wide initiative designed to use Connecticut Grown produce in preparation for school breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. Using locally grown products in our schools is beneficial to our children and farms. Not only does this program meet the latest food guidelines, which improve the health and nutrition of our kids, but it also draws in extra income for our farmers.
CT Department of Agriculture Farm to Chef Program Show - Hide
The Farm to Chef program works to connect farmers and local distributors to connecticut-grown products. This program also enables local restaurants, chefs, and preparers to cook with Connecticut-grown products.
Plow to Plate Show - Hide
Plow to Plate is a community organization sponsored by the New Milford Hospital. Its coalition works to support local farms, food, health, and economic well-being through an array of programs. Through its "Health Food in Health Care" pledge, the hospital serves healthy food made from local farm ingredients. The New Milford farmers' market, which has doubled its vendors over the past two years, is both adult and kid friendly, as it features music, storytelling, education about sustainable food systems, and special games. Finally, the Food Learning program allows New Milford middle and high school students to participate in a 10 month long course. The course teaches a full spectrum of skills, including culinary and harvesting techniques.
University of Connecticut Local Routes Program Show - Hide
A project under the Department of Dining Services at the University of Connecticut, the Local Routes Program is committed to providing customers with sustainable dining options and to supporting a local food system. Dining Services� Local Routes program works to help educate the UConn community about the importance of choosing foods that will benefit the local economy, the environment, and New England farmers.