The Farmer’s Cow is a group of six family-owned Connecticut dairy farms that produces fresh, local milk, chocolate milk, half & half, heavy cream and ice cream. We also sell Connecticut‐sourced, all‐natural eggs, apple cider, summer beverages and locally roasted coffee.
The Farmer's Cow milk tastes fresh because it is fresh, always pasteurized the “traditional way” and never ultra-pasteurized with no Artificial Growth Hormones (rBST). It comes from real working farms and contented cows that you can actually visit. Our farmers are proud to show everyone how we farm and care for our cows at Farm Tour events held through the year.
The Farmer’s Cow products are conveniently available at local supermarkets, independent grocery stores and farm markets throughout Connecticut as well as at The Farmer’s Cow Calfé & Creamery in Mansfield.
When you buy Farmer's Cow products, you are supporting local agriculture and helping to preserve open farmland in Connecticut. You also keep your purchasing power local by investing in our shared community and economy: We employ locally, buy locally, sponsor locally, sustain locally and preserve locally!
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